Monthly Archives of : January, 2011

Nurture Muscle Growth!

There’s a lot of workout programs for building muscle mass.  And, believe it or not, there are a number of us that need to gain weight instead of losing it!  If you are one of these individuals, remember that it’s important to supplement your diet with extra protein to nurture muscle growth. For this endeavor, […]

Customize Your Supplements!

Speaking of “favorites” among the items in my diet herbalife program, there are so many fantastic supplements to choose from, it’s hard to consider any particular one of them to be the best.  I mean, I don’t know what I’d do without my aloe vera juice, but the same can be said for my cell […]

What’s Your Favorite Flavor?!

I have a lot of “favorites” in my diet herbalife program, which is great on so many levels!  Can you imagine being on a weight loss diet that you hated?!  Believe me, I’ve done it and it’s the very worst.  On top of not enjoying whatever you get to eat, you end up not losing […]

Fully Nutritious Weight Loss!

Often the simple solution to challenges is not only the best course of action, but it can frequently yield the quickest desired results.  For instance, when seeking to lose weight, it can often be a simple matter of cutting down on the amount of calories you’re consuming.  A very effective move to make for this […]

Diet With Nutrition And Energy!

If you’re worried about not having enough energy, due to lack of proper nutrition during dieting, while trying to maintain a good physical activity schedule, you’ve come the the right place.  It’s true that many people get it into their head that they have to starve in order to lose weight, and then, they wonder […]