Digestion is defined as the mechanical and chemical breaking down of food into smaller components, a break down of larger food molecules into smaller ones for absorption, for instance into the blood stream.

We’re all aware that some foods go down easier than others, and that during digestion, some foods cause different reactions in each of us.  That’s what causes people to seek certain things to help the digestive process.  And there’s almost as many different digestive aids on the market as there are different types of food nutrients!

Digesting protein is a good example.  Protein is a vital part of the human diet needed for the amino acids it provides.  Some people experience a bloated sensation, or even gastric discomfort, after taking a meal containing protein.  My diet herbalife program has led me to trying a number of things for digestion in general as well as for absorbing amino acids from protein.  Overall I’ve found ginger extract soothing to the digestive system.  Aminogen assists the breaking down of protein into amino acids more smoothly and relieves discomfort.  And I’ve found natural aloe vera juice to give a sense of healing throughout the whole digestive tract!

more on this tomorrow….                    TurboSlim

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