What did my exercise program and taking herbalife niteworks have to do with Ron’s ailing leg?  Well, after the operation was declared a failure, Ron was scared and very worried that he would lose his left leg below the knee.  We spoke about this at length.  Ron was very saddened by the possibility of not taking his daily walks with his wife or his mountain hikes.

I really don’t know what made me suggest that Ron try niteworks, because I know that no herbalife products are considered medicine, drugs, or “cures” for any illness.  But I’d heard that herbalife niteworks promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body and has a positive effect on vascular and circulatory health.  That’s why I was taking it for support with all the exercise I was doing.  I told him since nothing seemed to be working, it might be worth a shot!  He agreed.

Two months later, the doctors at the bay area medical center were giving Ron the “third degree” about what he’d been doing differently?!  He told them the only thing he’d changed was that he was taking herbalife niteworks.  Why were the doctors so intensely curious?  Because Ron’s lower left leg had gone from registering no detectable blood pressure level, to indicating that he now had forty-three per cent normal blood flow and the leg was improving!  The doctors told Ron whatever he was doing to keep doing it because he was out of the woods for now!

That was a couple years ago.  I can’t say that I understand what happened.  Ron’s condition truly seemed dire enough not to be curable.  Who’s to know how long his recovery will last?  And I don’t know if the same results would happen for someone else.  But I know Ron would say not to hesitate giving it a try!

Till this day, Ron takes his walks with his wife and his hikes in the mountains.  He called just the other day.  He’d just returned home from his latest check up.  He wanted to tell me he’d gone from fifty-one per cent, measured six months ago, to seventy-three per cent normal blood pressure in his leg!

Do you believe in miracles?

more tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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