Why use glucosamine?  As my diet herbalife program research has led me to learn about glucosamine, I’m finding out there’s a lot of information to sift through!  With somewhat conflicting evidence about its effectiveness,
glucosamine remains the popular, preferred choice for possible prevention of joint cartilage degeneration.  So with that, we know its considered the go to supplement targeted to aid osteoarthritis.  And to that end, glucosamine is often presented with chondroitin sulfate in combination.  With its popularity intact, and the vast majority of people choosing to use glucosamine continually, one can only conclude that on some level it’s working well for them!

But there’s a whole other world that glucosamine is also part of!  It’s also an ingredient in certain cosmetic products! It is said that hydrolyzed collagen is used for its anti aging skincare moisturizing properties.  And I’m seeing now that a special glucosamine complex is a key element in a new and very popular collagen building anti aging skincare product line!  How about that?!

more on this tomorrow….                         TurboSlim

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