If you’re going to lose weight, you’ll need to be at least a little active.  You might want to join a gym, or enroll in some kind of exercise or stretch class.  Or even a dance class.  You know, something that makes you physically move!

And when you involve yourself in activity, you’re going to deplete some of your fluids.  That would be not only water, but also something called electrolytes.  With any physical activity, comes the importance of replenishing bodily fluids including electrolyte replenishment.  Dehydration and loss of electrolytes can be the source of dizziness, headaches and muscle cramps among other things.  So always, always drink plenty of water and find some some sort of electrolyte replenishment thirst quencher.  This is an absolute must when exerting yourself!

more tomorrow….                              TurboSlim

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