One of the main concerns we all share on a daily basis is having enough energy to accomplish what we need to get done on any given day.  And we’re all aware that there are many products offered on the market today that guarantee an energy boost second to none.  But what I looked for in my diet herbalife program was a natural sustained energy that wasn’t drug induced.

Now, if you’re pursuing weight  loss, sustained energy is very important.  It takes a well nourished and therefore energized metabolism to burn the calories you need to maintain or lose the desired weight.  So how do we accomplish this without feeling that “jittery” kind of energy that comes from unnatural substances that aren’t really good for us?  After all, the caffeine from coffee is not really all that good for people.  Yet, especially if you’re working, doing your daily errands and also trying to manage your weight, an energy lift can be highly valued support.

So, when it comes to energy boosters, natural or organic is the best way to go.  There are many products of tea extracts, such as Oolong, Green, Black and Pekoe, that contain a modicum of natural caffeine and will promote a natural thermogenic boost to the metabolism while burning calories.  And, there are some good sports energy drinks available that are good for energy, hydration and electrolyte replenishment.  Another natural thermogenic can be found in guarana.  Guarana comes from a bush that natives in South America have used for centuries.  Guarana has been know to naturally boost energy, sustain energy and provide mood enhancing qualities.  N-R-G, found from herbalife, comes in guarana energy pills and tea form. I’ve incorporated it as part of my herbalife supplement program and have found it to be an excellent non abrasive and natural energy supporter.

more tomorrow….                                      TurboSlim

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