When you do choose appropriate energy boosters that are natural and organic, after a time, you will begin to experience a higher sustained energy level throughout your day.  I found that once I began experiencing that boost in metabolism, I actually was inspired to begin being more physically active.  Many of my colleagues that are on the same type diet herblife program I am, have been moved to do the same. So I think it’s a common occurrence.  Somehow we all feel better after physical activity of some sort. Just clearing the lungs and getting the blood flowing is energizing!

And, if you’re starting to get up in years, you’ll want to be a bit careful about overdoing it!  Always make sure you stay hydrated with plenty of water and electrolytes.  And, you might want to think about muscle recovery protein drinks,  if you’re working out and working muscles, with some sort of glucosamine joint support.  Most experts agree that supplements containing glucosamine hcl are excellent cartilage re-generators and restorers of joint performance.

Being smart about your physical activities always means supporting your physical program with proper nutrition, hydration, and rest.  Good natural supplementation is also a great way to support your nutrition and help protect against any unnecessary pulls and strains.

more tomorrow….                                    TurboSlim

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