As I’ve said, cardiovascular health is of importance for anyone at any age.  And, yes, of course, it becomes increasingly important with age.  So, lets talk about why people, including myself and many of my herbalife colleagues, pay particular attention to the importance of  herbalife niteworks and nitric oxide.

Simply put, nitrogen monoxide, commonly know as Nitric Oxide (NO), is a molecule that blood vessels use to signal surrounding smooth muscle to relax which in turn triggers vasodilation for increased blood flow.  Well known heart attack aids like nitroglycerin and amyl nitrate are effective because they convert to nitric oxide when taken into the body.

So, now, doesn’t it make sense to take a supplement that could assist your body to naturally produce nitric oxide at night when nitric oxide levels are lowest in the body?  Numerous studies have indicated that heart attacks occur frequently first thing in the morning right after sleep.  This is when natural bodily produced nitric oxide is least available in the body.  So, yes, obviously it make sense to supplement with something that enhances personal nitric oxide production especially when you’re on a program of physical exertion!  With such supplements, together with a good cellular nutrition program, your energy and cardiovascular health are wisely promoted!

more tomorrow….                                         TurboSlim

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