As I continue on my diet herbalife program and enjoy investigating all the ingredients, vitamins, minerals and botanical nutrients available for our bodies, I have to acknowledge that sometimes I’m a bit overwhelmed by what’s been happening to and for me!  It’s no joke that a lot has changed with me.

Just taking the health challenge that I did when starting my herbalife diet plans, demanded that I seriously structure my life into a regimen that would match the quality of the program I was undertaking.  That meant I would be eating properly and nutritiously, exercising, staying hydrated and electrolyte replenished and resting properly.  And, of course, to do all this would require a determined attitude with a focus on staying discipled while eliminating any habit that might work against me.

And you know what?  Like all human beings I’ve had a few set backs, but I find if I just pick myself up and continue on, it’s not long before I’m right back on schedule!  So far I’ve lost some weight, feel a lot better, and have a great energy level.  what could be more beautiful?!

In fact, that’s what comes to mind every time I reflect.  I seem to have found something truly beautiful.  I’ve become a charter member of the herbalife beauty club!

I highly recommend it to anyone who’s interested…

more tomorrow….                                           TurboSlim

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