Looking back on the beginning of my examination of the choices I was making concerning health and nutrition, I’m surprised to recall that it really had nothing to do with what I called nutrition at all!  It wasn’t like I was looking for good herbalife diet plans!  The truth is, I was just not feeling like my regular self.  I was always feeling tired, and I noticed I was catching a lot of colds and the flu was an annual event that went on for weeks.

When I asked the doctor about it, he said it was always a good idea to get into better shape.  And when I asked what that meant exactly, he said that meant eating well, exercising some, drinking plenty of water and getting good rest.  So I thought that was simple enough!  What a piece of cake!

Well, that started a fairly long investigation into what it was going to take to get myself into “better shape”.  On my way to discovering cellular nutrition and my good herbalife health nutrition program, I discovered it was going to take a little more just changing what I chose for dinner.  And that, my friends, was a lot easier said than done!

more on this tomorrow….                                TurboSlim

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