So, once I discovered the value of low carb meal replacements that were high in protein to curb my hunger pangs, I got interested in finding out how many calories I was taking in!  That way I could actually start to plan my daily menu for health!

I looked at a lot of different plans that are on today’s market.  And I had some recommended by people I met at the gym, and read about some magazines, and of course, saw on TV.  Some guaranteed fast weight loss, and some promised that you’d feel great.  Some said you’d never put the weight back on.  But I’d seen some of my friends that had lost a lot of weight fast and not only had they put the weight back on, but they looked and felt worse than I did!

Then I ran into a friend that I actually used to work out with, years earlier, and he looked great!  I asked what his secret was and he asked if I’d ever heard of herbalife diet plans.  Of course, I hadn’t.  That became an introduction that changed my life from feeling sluggish and rundown to loosing weight the right way and feeling healthy!

more on this tomorrow….                                  TurboSlim

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