Now, on my friends excellent advice, I began my diet herbalife program.  And I must say my motivation was simply because I wanted to feel good, at least better than I was feeling at the time.  I wasn’t really driven like my friend who was in great shape.  I was honestly curious to see how this might work for me.  But I was excited about the obvious possibilities!

Being on an herbalife weight loss diet of my choice actually felt pretty easy.  All I had to do was replace a couple meals a day with the recommended protein shakes and supplements and then have a meal of my choice for the third meal of the day.  I could have them in any order I wanted.  So one day I’d have the breakfast of my choice, then replace lunch and dinner.  Usually I had my protein shakes for breakfast and dinner and had a conventional meal at lunch.  But any order of meal replacement works and is fine.  My process had begun!

more on this tomorrow….                                   TurboSlim

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