Having to do with regulating body hydration as well as blood pH, electrolytes can be very important for nerve an muscle function.  In fact, electrolyte measurement is performed most commonly by blood testing and/or urinalysis. Obviously, since medical technologists have found monitoring electrolyte levels to be a useful health tool, then keeping good body hydration must be important!

Actually, body hydration is extremely important.  The effects of dehydration can be very damaging.  So, if you’re exerting yourself through some kind of physical activity, whether jogging or dancing, you must keep yourself hydrated to maintain good energy and health.  Electrolyte replenishment is best accomplished by drinking sports drinks or other
electrolyte replenishment drinks on the market today.  Make sure you pick one with substantial content of potassium and sodium which aid the body to absorb more fluids effectively!

more tomorrow….                                       TurboSlim

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