Tag Archives of : herbalife beauty

A Cure for Problem Skin

I’ve had skin issues my entire life, as long as I can remember. Eczema as a child, acne as a teen and now dry, spotty skin in a lot of areas as an adult. It can be very frustrating trying to deal with my skin issues because most people just tell me to drink more […]

From A Chubby Bunny To A Skinny Minny

Losing weight is a dream of almost everyone.  It is very tempting to pick from a host of weight loss supplements from drugstores and just as easily pop one into our mouths. They come as pills, drinks that contain fibers or beverages in the form of tea. Each claims to burn fat and shed pounds. […]

Mask Of Vitamins

With our environmental conditions come many toxins and dirt in the air.  It’s important that we not only protect our skin from the suns ray with a good SPF lotion, but that we take a little time to extract the impurities that actually get into our skin.  This way our skin will be revitalized and […]

Don’t Allow Troubled Skin!

Did you know that skin cells have about a thirty day journey before they die?  That’s about how long it takes for a new skin cell to migrate to the skin surface where they become more acidic and eventually die.  This natural aging process can give skin a dry or rough looking exterior. Exfoliation removes […]

Cleanse, Moisturize, Revitalize!

Did you know that traveling can dry out your skin?  It’s true.  During a plane flight you’re sitting in an enclosed space with recycled air that is not only drying out your skin, but circulating the same dirt.  This is a classic time to cleanse, moisturize and revitalize. Not only is it very important that […]