Tag Archives of : herbalife nourifusion

Keep That Youthful Look!

Did you know that besides increasing the speed of aging your skin, tanning beds also triple the chance of contracting melanoma?  I mean, why do you think we’re all told so often to protect ourselves from the UV rays of the sun, let alone avoiding tanning beds!  When it comes to UV rays, a good […]

You’ll Look Younger!

OK, so just yesterday I was telling my good friend, Doreen, that I was blogging about herbalife outer nutrition.  In other words, about skincare.  Immediately, the youthful looking Doreen spun on me and demanded that I share what an amazing effect it had for her.  Now, Doreen is no spring chicken, but she looks like […]

The Inevitable?

You know what they say, aging in inevitable!  And yes, that’s true, but you can influence how quickly you age.  That’s why starting when you haven’t really aged a lot yet is a good time to start!  Truth is, you can’t start to early to push back the aging process either inside or out. While […]

Vitamin Infused Herbalife Nourifusion

A good multivitamin system for the skin will actually be loaded with antioxidant vitamins A,C and E.  Why?  Because just like your body, the skin needs nourishment to be at its healthiest and look its very best. Infusing your skin with botanicals and antioxidant vitamins is a practice developed by herbalife nourifusion.  For herbalife beauty, […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part fifty-four)

Skin hygiene and proper cleansing of the skin is an important part of skincare because organisms that are bad for the skin can develop when skin is unclean.  Obviously, this leads us to seeking out good habits and regimens for our skin maintenance.  This applies to all skin types, and yes, some types require more […]