Tag Archives of : immune protection

Healthy Chinese Wine

Native of Northern China, schisandra chinensis, commonly known as the schizandra berry or “five flavor berry”, has multiple uses in terms human bodily health.  It is one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine and nicknamed the “five flavor berry” because is has all of the basic flavors including spicy, sweet, bitter, salty […]

Strength Of Resistance!

For hunting and gathering tribes in ancient China, Schizandra chinensis was considered a staple food.  This creeping, red berried vine is native to Northern China and eventually became a traditional medicinal herb called wu-wei-tzu. It was primarily used for dry cough, asthma, night sweats and chronic diarrhea.  Schizandra also became known as a tonic for […]

Liver Strength!

Containing all five flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter and spicy, the Schisandra Chinensis is often referred to as literally the “northern five flavor berry”.  Many years ago it was discovered to contain restorative properties and became one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. These tonic providing berries are most often dried, then […]

The Wisdom Of Time!

From all we know about the history of human life, there appears to always have been unhealthy elements to our environment, food and drink.  Of course as we survived, more and more years brought more and more awareness of these negative elements and toxins.  We then began to seek ways to protect ourselves from toxins, […]

How’s Your Liver?

The long established, clinically documented, liver protecting berries of the schizandra chinensis, are actually considered to be one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.  It’s Chinese name literally means “northern five flavor berry” due to the fact that these berries are salty, sweet, spicy, sour and bitter. That’s right, these berries posses […]