Tag Archives of : low carb meal replacements

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-nine)

According to today’s science, for humans, nutrition is essentially defined as the seven different substances required for sustenance of life in the human body.  Those substances are: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.  This is fairly common knowledge.  But what hasn’t seemed to find common ground, is our thinking about nutrition and what […]

My Diet Herbalife Prgram Experience (part eight)

Now heavily ensconced in the depth of my investigation, I found myself probing through the stacks of literature on cell activation, cell nourishment, cellular nutrition, and on…  What I really wanted to find out was a simple explanation of why my personal energy had gone up and why I was feeling so good!  Was it […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seven)

OK!  So cellular nutrition means feeding each cell optimally.  So then, if we eat all the right foods won’t that take care of it?  It would certainly seem so.  But then I remembered a scary statistic I’d heard.  It said facts regarding nutrition in the United States as stated by the American Medical Association showed […]