Tag Archives of : low carb meal replacements

Your Daily Bread

Well, we all certainly know what bread is!  It’s that baked food made basically of meal or flour that we all eat pretty much on a daily basis.  Over the years, the word “bread” has also become slang for cash or money.  But in both cases it has to do with attaining sustenance required for […]

Why Low Carb Meal Replacements?

One of the best ways to curb your hunger, especially when dieting, is to eat enough protein.  Protein of any kind will make you feel full, and you will eat less.  It has been found that a diet which is low in saturated fat and cholesterol that contains twenty-five grams of soy protein may reduce […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-three)

So, once I discovered the value of low carb meal replacements that were high in protein to curb my hunger pangs, I got interested in finding out how many calories I was taking in!  That way I could actually start to plan my daily menu for health! I looked at a lot of different plans […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-two)

Counting calories can leave you hungry a lot of the time, which leads to cheating your plan.  Then you find out about the natural appetite suppressors protein can deliver because it satisfies, and therefore halts, your craving for more food.  If you are looking to keep a eye on the calories you eat, high protein […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part sixty-one)

If cutting calories to lose weight, you want to make sure your not just starving yourself to get skinny.  I know it sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people do just exactly that.  And then they are mystified when they’ve lost the excess weight, started eating regularly again and they immediately gain all […]