Archive by Author : TurboSlim

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty)

While we’re traversing the path of my diet herbalife program investigation, it’s occurred to me not to forget the importance of optimum nutrition for the younger growing organisms.  Our kids!  And what could be a better time to bring this up than Mother’s Day weekend!  I know all the super moms out there are super […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-nine)

The word, “enhance” is defined in the dictionary as to increase or improve, as in value or desirability, to heighten, intensify, magnify.  The reason I bring this up is that in my diet herbalife supplements program, there are numerous supplements that make up a group called enhancers.  And, these supplements are designed in a way […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-eight)

Delving further into my diet herbalife program investigation has brought a new word to my attention.  So, here’s what I’ve learned so far about “Thermogenesis.” A process that creates heat through metabolic stimulation in an organism would come under the heading of Thermogenesis.  Since a metabolic “rev” producing organic heat is associated with calorie or […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-seven)

As I continue down the winding path of my diet herbalife program investigation, some information came to light that was of interest and even gave me still more confidence in my program. Any product that is meant to be added to a meal for enhancement of nutrition can be called a dietary supplement.  But, by […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-six)

For some days now, we’ve been discussing programs for healthy living.  We’ve included the importance of efficient, good nutrition, physical activity, re-hydration, proper rest and recovery, as well as discipline.  I want to acknowledge that without a doubt we are all different. Yet, without doubt, we are all human and so we do have a […]