Archive by Author : TurboSlim

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty)

Why take vitamins?  In no uncertain terms, vitamins are vitally necessary for a multicellular organism’s development and growth.  For instance, a baby modeling his parental genetic blueprint, develops from the nutrients he absorbs starting at the moment of conception. These nutrients include certain vitamins that are required in the proper amount at certain times to […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part nineteen)

What are vitamins?  Vitamins are defined as “organic compounds required as nutrients in tiny amounts by an organism.”  The name “vitamin” is actually from a combination of the words “vital” and “amine.”  And, these micronutrient food factors which prevented dietary deficiency diseases, like beriberi, were considered to possibly be chemical amines. Turned out vitamins proved […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part eighteen)

What is Schizandra?  It’s Chinese name literally means “nothern five flavor berry”.  It was named that way because it possesses the five basic flavors: salty, spicy(pungent), bitter, sweet and sour.  It’s berries come from a deciduous woody vine that is native to Northern China and the Far East part of Russia. Schizandra is considered to […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventeen)

What is aloe vera?  Aloe vera is a succulent plant species that is believed to have originated in Northern Africa, the Canary islands and Cape Verde.  Aloe vera is often referred to as the medicinal aloe and has become popular for uses in herbal medicine.  Well suited for growth in arid climates, it is widely […]

My Friend Ron’s Herbalife Niteworks Experience (part three)

What did my exercise program and taking herbalife niteworks have to do with Ron’s ailing leg?  Well, after the operation was declared a failure, Ron was scared and very worried that he would lose his left leg below the knee.  We spoke about this at length.  Ron was very saddened by the possibility of not […]