Why take vitamins?  In no uncertain terms, vitamins are vitally necessary for a multicellular organism’s development and growth.  For instance, a baby modeling his parental genetic blueprint, develops from the nutrients he absorbs starting at the moment of conception.

These nutrients include certain vitamins that are required in the proper amount at certain times to promote healthy development.  Vitamin deficiencies, among other areas, can cause problems with the skin, bones or muscle.  Even small or minor deficiencies can cause permanent damage.

To this end, vitamins are available in many forms on today’s market, making it fairly easy to obtain one’s minimum daily requirements.  Besides tablets, powders, drink mixes, capsules, and chewables for everyone, there are also liquid vitamins to choose from.  Liquid vitamins are obviously known to facilitate and help insure an infants daily requirements.

more tomorrow….                           TurboSlim

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