Tag Archives of : liquid vitamins

Don’t Forget Your Kiddies Dailies!

So many people overlook the importance of taking their daily multivitamins! It is important to make sure that you are not one of those people.  It’s twice as important for your children who are still growing and developing! The needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals are the only things that can insure your child’s healthy development! […]

Chewable Giggles?

You know I got to thinking about that story I told concerning my little sister and her inability to swallow pills and how that led to taking her daily vitamins in liquid form mixed with her juice.  And, just out of curiosity, when I recently visited her, I asked if she still had difficulty taking […]

Treat Of Health!

When the youngsters are hard at play, every parent knows how difficult it is to bring their focus to remembering things that need to be taken care of responsibly like nutrition.  I mean, who wants to break up a thrilling game of hide and seek just to pay attention to something like health?!  Ah, to […]

Thanks Moms And Dads!

You know, with Mother’s Day just passed and Father’s day coming up I’m put in mind of all the parents out there.  And I want to salute and thank all those of you who are taking the job seriously.  And yes, it’s a real job.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply not being realistic or […]

Celebrating Early?

It’s a little early to be celebrating Halloween!  This little guy is going to have to hold this position for a long time!  We better make sure he’s not just eating Halloween candy! There is a great substitute.  There’s a wonderful multivite complex that comes in entertaining sports shapes that the kids just love.  They […]