Tag Archives of : herbalife healthy kids

Don’t Forget Your Dailies!

You should make sure that you and your family are not like the vast majority of people who do not see the value of taking their daily multivitamins.  Because if you are, there is a big chance that you and yours will not be getting the proper amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in your […]

Feel Great, Look Great!

When it comes to feeling great, inside and out, it is all within your control. Proper skincare will mean a lot more to you than you might realize. It is not just about having that glowing skin that will make you feel that overwhelming confidence that you have always wanted, but it’s also about being […]

Don’t Forget Your Kiddies Dailies!

So many people overlook the importance of taking their daily multivitamins! It is important to make sure that you are not one of those people.  It’s twice as important for your children who are still growing and developing! The needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals are the only things that can insure your child’s healthy development! […]

It’s All In The Mouth

We may not give strong, healthy teeth enough credit for the role they play in our daily nutritional requirements. If you’re facing one or more tooth extractions, it’s a good time to look into the Herbalife health nutrition program. Remember, while your mouth is mending, you won’t be able to crunch that apple-a-day. The Herbalife […]

Chewable Giggles?

You know I got to thinking about that story I told concerning my little sister and her inability to swallow pills and how that led to taking her daily vitamins in liquid form mixed with her juice.  And, just out of curiosity, when I recently visited her, I asked if she still had difficulty taking […]