Category Archives of : Targeted Nutrition

Powering Cells, Losing Weight!

Of course there are always challenges with dieting.  And one of the biggest recurring challenges is to keep your diet varied, not a “same thing every day” diet that will bore you to tears and inspire you to cheat!  I ask you, doesn’t the thought of a diet program in which you can eat you […]

Kick It Up A Notch!

Do you ever look at someone while they are working out and wonder where do they get all that energy?  Well, if truth be known, some people simply have more natural energy than others.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t increase your energy to a high and active level.  You just have to work at […]

Something For Me!

One of the reasons I settled on the nutrition program I practice, is the multiple choices and freedom to chose the support supplements needed for my own personal health goals.  This kind of personalizing of my program makes me feel like I have a system tailored just for me.  Somehow it simply feels more powerful […]

Vibrant Youthfulness!

Did you know that Siberian ginseng actually has properties that can bring about a reduction in appearance of wrinkles and the tiny lines on your face?  According to a couple of my team members it can be highly effective, especially if it’s an additive in a lotion with vitamins for the skin.  As they explain […]

Less Pocket Book Pain!

Here’s a case made about dealing with cellulite from a typical conversation between two of my team members, and I thought it was worth sharing.  Essentially the thought was that as opposed to deciding on high priced and potentially very painful liposuction methods, why not allow nature to go to work while using something like […]