There are so many tips for great skin that it’s really hard to know what are the best products to use.  All we can recommend is sticking with the basics.  Always remember the number one rule is cleanliness is next to Godliness.  After that, make sure to protect against over exposure to the sun.  Then frequently nourish your skin with lotions containing vitamins A, C, and E.  To protect against dull ashy skin make sure you exfoliate and moisturize to replenish the skins beautiful, fresh suppleness.

Exfoliate using a good buffing scrub that contains jojoba to make sure you don’t rub you body skin too raw while moisturizing at the same time.  Don’t forget the elbows, knees, hips or thighs.  The body buffing scrub herbalife offers works wonders in these areas, keeping your body skin youthful, sweet, bright and lovely!

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