Guarana actually carries a famous myth with it in Brazilian culture.  The story is attributed to the Satere-Maue tribe.  A beloved village child is killed by a god.   And in order to console the villagers, another, more benevolent god plucked out the left eye of the child and planted it in the forest, resulting in the wild variety of guarana.  The god then plucked the right eye from the child and planted it in the village.  This grew into domesticated guarana.  The Guaranis made a tea with a powder pounded from the guarana seeds.  They also used the powder to make a dough for a cylinder shaped bread.

Today, due to its content of natural caffeine, guarana is used as a dietary supplement for a sustained natural energy boost.  It often comes in the form of tea or guarana energy pills.  Herbalife N-R-G uses guarana seeds to increase mental alertness organically and help maintain energy naturally.  Need a little “pick-me-up”?

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