Sometimes, after you’ve rallied to get back on a physical activity regimen, there can be some sore muscles to deal with. It’s really a very common occurance to feel sore after physical exertion, and once in a while, there can be a muscle pull or strain.  This is when it’s time to find effective, natural muscle relaxers.  It can be key for muscles to release in order for them to recover allowing you to continue your program.

The muscle relaxing properties contained in the Chinese herb, dong quai, have long been used by women for relief of pain and muscle cramps associated with the menstrual cycle.  This Chinese herb can be found in herbalife’s Tang Kuei Plus. Tang Kuei Plus has extended dong quai’s popularity to anyone, men and women alike, who seek muscular relaxation for relief from any type pain. These muscle relaxers can become an integral, natural part of anyone’s muscle recovery program.

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