With the nineteenth century came the discovery of amino acids.  French chemists, Pierre Jean Robiquet and Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin managed to isolate the compound asparagine from asparagus as early as 1806.  This was the first amino acid discovered.

Amino acids are supplied by protein which is one of the six nutrient categories the body needs. Amino acids from protein must be absorbed from food in order to build and maintain healthy body tissue and muscle mass.

While such foods as milk and eggs often contain all essential amino acids, these acids also exist in plant foods when taken together in variety.  Protein from soy and whey have become a popular way to fulfill the daily amount of protein needed particularly during weight loss.  The best whey protein powder and soy protein powder are often used in meal replacement protein shakes and nutrient supplementation as aids in diet programs.

more on this tomorrow….                       TurboSlim

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