Here’s an interesting little tidbit: Did you know that the term muscle relaxant refers to two major therapeutic groups in medicine?  First of all a muscle relaxant is considered a drug that affects skeletal muscle function and decreases muscle tone.  The two groups of relaxers are neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytics.

You’d only want a neuromusclar blocker if you were heading for surgery and/or intensive care where you’d need major anesthetics.  Spasmolytics is the group that’s used for more centralized pain and spasms.  But what if you pull a muscle while being physically active or working out?  Do you really need to put yourself on drugs for it?  My answer is no.

Unless you’ve done severe damage to your body, which is unlikely during an exercise program, you’re far better off finding natural muscle relaxers that will ease the aches and pains while the muscle pull heals and regains strength.  Something that is herbal based and organic can be a very effective pain reliever that allows you to rest and recuperate naturally!

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