If you check your dictionary you will see that the word electrolyte is defined as “a nonmetallic electric conductor in which current is carried by the movement of ions”.  What does that have to do with us?  Well, electrolytes are absolutely vital for some healthy functions of the human body!

Did you know that both muscle tissue and neurons a considered electric tissues of the body and that muscles and neurons are activated by electrolyte activity?  Guess what!  Without muscles and neurons activation we wouldn’t be able to move!  At least, certainly not well….

Funny how things work isn’t it?  We need electrolytes for physical activity, we need physical activity for healthy metabolism, and physical activity depletes electrolytes through perspiration!  This is a very important part of our cycle of life.  And we cannot do without electrolytes!  So, now you know why electrolyte replenishment is so important.  If you’re being consistent and maintaining a good level of physical activity, you definitely need to drink plenty of water and find a good sports energy drink that will replace electrolytes.  It’s vital to avoiding dehydration, and key to helping you to keep moving!

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