Speaking of being disciplined about physical exercise, also makes me think about possible strains and pulls.  Especially if you’re a little older, like me, you do need to be a little careful to not overdue it.  But if you do, you should be aware of good muscle relaxers that help ease the pains of tight muscles.

Did you know that the Chinese herb, dong quai, has been used for centuries for it’s muscle relaxing and pain relieving properties?  The pain relieving qualities of dong quai, which is found in herbalife’s Tang Kuei Plus, is said to be able to relieve any pain for men or women!  For many women it is the reported must have pain killer for pms and pains associated with menstruation.  I know I’ve certainly killed some athletic pains with it and it really works.  So I do recommend it for both boys and girls!

more tomorrow….                                           TurboSlim

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