Tag Archives of : muscle relaxers

No Short Outs!

Have you ever been working out, or doing any kind of activity that caused you to cramp up in your muscles?  Well, if so, there are numerous possible reasons for that, but probably the most frequent reason is due to the depletion of electrolytes.  The natural salts in our system are needed for proper muscular […]

Let’s Just Relax!

Pain relievers and muscle relaxers have a long history.  Essentially, the extreme muscle relaxants are used to cause a kind of paralysis.  They are neuromuscular blockers that are often used for emergency medicine and in surgical procedures.  Obviously, these are something we would best come across only under a doctor’s care. The more commonly used […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy-three)

Speaking of being disciplined about physical exercise, also makes me think about possible strains and pulls.  Especially if you’re a little older, like me, you do need to be a little careful to not overdue it.  But if you do, you should be aware of good muscle relaxers that help ease the pains of tight […]

Just Relax

We have all experienced skeletal pain caused by injuries, a bad medical condition or even just a bad sleeping position.  We will see a doctor if we think it is a serious condition.  But in some cases, we just reach out for a muscle relaxer to ease our pain. Muscle relaxers act on the Central […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part thirty-four)

One of the most rehabilitating elements of my diet herbalife experience, has been making sure I get the proper amount of good rest.  When it comes to recovery, and rest, we’re all different.  And there are different kinds of recovery, like muscle recovery if you work out too.  And we’ll discuss that later.  Right now, […]