Tag Archives of : diet herbalife program

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-seven)

So what makes certain things so crucial in a diet, or a “get in shape”, or a “just have more energy” kind of program?  Well, you can start with what’s essential to experiencing good health.  One of the primary, and absolutely necessary, ingredients in such a program is good nutrition.  So if good nutrition is […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-six)

My intense examination, or investigation really, of my diet herbalife program, has actually inspired me to honestly take a look at my habits, disciplines, and desires or goals.  What I see unfolding is both challenging and hopeful!  Challenging because I’m really pushing myself to do the program, without cheating.  And hopeful, because I know if […]

My Herbalife Diet Program Experience (part twenty-five)

The last bit of “skin info” I have to share, or actually feel important to mention after having it shared with me, is the genuine understanding that the skin is an organ!  Would you believe it is the largest organ of our bodies?! So, if it’s an organ, and it truly is, shouldn’t it be […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part twenty-two)

Why use glucosamine?  As my diet herbalife program research has led me to learn about glucosamine, I’m finding out there’s a lot of information to sift through!  With somewhat conflicting evidence about its effectiveness, glucosamine remains the popular, preferred choice for possible prevention of joint cartilage degeneration.  So with that, we know its considered the […]

Nurture your joints naturally

What is glucosamine?  Glucosamine is actually an amino sugar and prominent in biochemical synthesis of glycosylated protein and lipids.  It’s found to be part of the chemical structure that makes up exoskeletons of crustaceans, other arthropods, fungi cell walls and many of the higher organisms.  Glucosamine is abundant and is produced commercially mostly through hydrolysis […]