Tag Archives of : Herbalife Supplements

Practice Makes Perfect!

Sometimes, with just a little practice, you can inspire others to form good habits.  You know, behavior that is actually good for them to partake in?  One of those habits would be, for instance, eating properly and having discipline about getting the right amount of daily nutrition. With kids, this can be tricky!  Why?  Because […]

Keep The Kids Healthy And Happy!

We all know it’s so very important to put focus on the health of our kids.  After all, kids that are healthy tend to be happy too.  And it’s always such a joy to see happy children.  I do think it’s very fair to say that healthiness contributes greatly to a child’s happiness! So, to […]

Your Daily Bread

Well, we all certainly know what bread is!  It’s that baked food made basically of meal or flour that we all eat pretty much on a daily basis.  Over the years, the word “bread” has also become slang for cash or money.  But in both cases it has to do with attaining sustenance required for […]

Herbalife Health Nutrition

Not only does what you eat affect your shape and the look and texture of your skin, but it greatly affects how you feel and how rapidly you age.  And it’s really no big mystery, but there are a few basic things that are absolutely vital to remember.  For instance, drinking water helps you metabolize […]

Skin Aging Is The Pits

When I reached the age of 30, I’ve started to be very conscious about how I look, particularly the condition of my skin. That’s when I remember advice my mom used to give, “Prevention is easier than treatment.” With that in mind, I am always on the lookout for skin care products that will really […]