Tag Archives of : youthful skin

Stay Clean, Stay Young!

When it comes to skin care, most people immediately focus on lines and wrinkles, and then really obsess over even little tiny lines on the face.  Truth be told, there are other obvious, “no brainer” actually, elements that need attending in order to avoid havoc on your face! For instance, just skipping out on your […]

Show Your Newest!

By now we all know that the newest skin cells are growing just under and emerging to the surface layer of the skin.  So it stands to reason that if you want the newest skin cells to be showing, then it’s very effective to help the natural process of sloughing off the old cells. This […]

Scrub Your Bod!

When I say to “scrub” the body, I kind of mean to literally “scrape” it!  And yes, there is a fine line between healthily scraping the skin and actually scraping the skin harmfully.  Honestly, I don’t want you to break the skin, but I do want you to rub off all the dead skin cells […]

Most Youthful, Most Beautiful!

There are two items included in my diet herbalife program that I constantly marvel at.  One is aloe vera and aloe vera juice, and the other is glucosamine.  To me these are absolute wonder substances.  Both are natural and both have regenerative and restorative powers.  And, they are both excellent for our health when taken […]

Tone It Up!

One of the great results from getting on a program of physical activities and being conscious about your calorie intake is actually losing unwanted pounds.  Not only do you start to have better energy and look better, but you genuinely begin to feel better too! Sometimes after weight loss, some of us are concerned over […]