Category Archives of : Skin Care

Show That Glow!

I’m sure we’re all aware by now that staying youthful seems to be a highly desirable common goal among all us humans!  Is it that rolling back the clock somehow seems to give us more life?  Maybe.  But for whatever reason, things like high energy, anti aging and appearing our most youthful tend to have […]

That Special Energy Glow!

Whenever I think of the concept of personal beauty, I immediately think of what so many of my team members told me when I first started my diet herbalife program.  “You’re going to notice changes”, they said.  “The one thing we all notice about people who supplement with herbalife cellular nutrition, is that they have […]

Maintain Brilliant Skin!

We all know that keeping your skin clean is essential to a fresh and healthy look.  The key is to cleanse your skin with a lotion cleanser that gently dissolves dirt and impurities without stripping the skin of it’s natural moisture and nutrients. Herbalife nourifusion presents cleansing lotions for all types: dry, oily and normal […]

Tone It Up!

One of the great results from getting on a program of physical activities and being conscious about your calorie intake is actually losing unwanted pounds.  Not only do you start to have better energy and look better, but you genuinely begin to feel better too! Sometimes after weight loss, some of us are concerned over […]

A Cure for Problem Skin

I’ve had skin issues my entire life, as long as I can remember. Eczema as a child, acne as a teen and now dry, spotty skin in a lot of areas as an adult. It can be very frustrating trying to deal with my skin issues because most people just tell me to drink more […]