Category Archives of : Skin Care

An ACE For Face!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “ACE for your face”?  I first heard it when learning about herbalife nourifusion.  That’s a natural skincare product line that is actually infused with vitamins for skin nutrition! Turns out that vitamin A applied topically has demonstrated through testing that it reduces lines and wrinkles, provides good acne control […]


Removing the oldest or dead skin cells of the outer surface of the skin is called exfoliation.  Exfoliation is done simply for the purpose of maintaining healthy skin.  For example, exfoliation is usually performed during a spa body treatment or when you go through the process of a facial. The body buffing scrub herbalife offers […]

Save Your Skin!

Do you help your skin replenish moisture and nutrients at night?  If you don’t, please know that it is highly recommended if you want the elasticity and suppleness to last for that more youthful look.  A real “no no” is not washing your facial skin or at least removing your make-up at night.  It has […]

Exercise For Youth!

Well, as one might suspect, one of the best ways to look your best, including your skin, is to exercise regularly.  Think about it.  Exercise is not only good for your body and muscles, it also keeps the blood pumping, helps you shed those unwanted pounds, releases toxins through the pores of your skin, and […]

Keep That Youthful Look!

Did you know that besides increasing the speed of aging your skin, tanning beds also triple the chance of contracting melanoma?  I mean, why do you think we’re all told so often to protect ourselves from the UV rays of the sun, let alone avoiding tanning beds!  When it comes to UV rays, a good […]