Category Archives of : Skin Care

Sweet, Bright and Lovely!

There are so many tips for great skin that it’s really hard to know what are the best products to use.  All we can recommend is sticking with the basics.  Always remember the number one rule is cleanliness is next to Godliness.  After that, make sure to protect against over exposure to the sun.  Then […]

Forever Young?

What do you think of when you ponder the concept of anti aging skincare?  You’d want to know if it’s possible to stay forever young wouldn’t you?  Well, it’s pretty unlikely that any of us will be able to stay forever young.  But, there are ways to stay looking your youngest all the time! For […]

Let The Sun Shine!

Whenever I talk with my friends that spend time outdoors, because like many of us they love the great outdoors, the conversation always goes in the direction of talking about the powerful effect the sun can have on our skin.  The hard cold facts are that the environment, the very atmosphere we live in, plus […]

The Inevitable?

You know what they say, aging in inevitable!  And yes, that’s true, but you can influence how quickly you age.  That’s why starting when you haven’t really aged a lot yet is a good time to start!  Truth is, you can’t start to early to push back the aging process either inside or out. While […]

Be Healthy, Look Healthy!

Once you really start paying attention to your health, you’re going to start noticing certain changes.  For instance, you and those around you will notice that the healthier you are, the more healthy and appealing you look!  There’s absolutely no doubt about, the better you take care of yourself, outside or inside, the better taken […]