Category Archives of : Targeted Nutrition

Nothing Like it!

When we’re striving so hard to keep a healthy life style, and being so good about our diet program and physical activity level, there are a few things to bare in mind.  While it’s not “rocket science”, there is a kind of scientific logic to healthy nutrition and exercise. The basic formula to remember is […]

Chewable Giggles?

You know I got to thinking about that story I told concerning my little sister and her inability to swallow pills and how that led to taking her daily vitamins in liquid form mixed with her juice.  And, just out of curiosity, when I recently visited her, I asked if she still had difficulty taking […]

The Daily Requirements!

Many people don’t realize this but I’ve known about it all my life.  Some people cannot take pills.  Somehow, when it comes to swallowing pills, there are those who simply have to spit it out or choke!  I’ve known about this condition, not as a medical person but because my sister is one of those […]

Grow Muscles!

Protein, and the essential amino acids that it provides for growth and maintenance of our body’s muscle tissue, has been used for years for body building.  Do you realize there are many of us out there who simply would like to gain weight and add some muscle mass to their physique. Supplements containing high protein […]

Organic Superiority!

Without a doubt, especially with age, supplementation to your diet can become essential for a large number of reasons.  Of course if you’re involved in weight management programs, there’s many supplements to support weight loss and appetite suppression.  But that’s not the only focus for supplements. If you’re being disciplined about a physical activity regimen, […]