Monthly Archives of : August, 2011

With Comfort!

Often cutting calories involves cutting certain carbohydrates and leaning more toward protein rich meals.  In fact, the diet herbalife program of my choosing is centered around the best tasting meal replacements that provide optimal cellular nutrition in the form of protein shakes.  The program truly answers the call for healthy weight loss. When considering this […]

It Does The Trick!

Well if the trick is to cut your intake of calories enough that you burn off a little more than you have stored so you lose weight, then what do you do when the energy level starts to lower and you still have things to do?  This is a question often asked by people who […]

Grow Muscles!

Protein, and the essential amino acids that it provides for growth and maintenance of our body’s muscle tissue, has been used for years for body building.  Do you realize there are many of us out there who simply would like to gain weight and add some muscle mass to their physique. Supplements containing high protein […]

Organic Superiority!

Without a doubt, especially with age, supplementation to your diet can become essential for a large number of reasons.  Of course if you’re involved in weight management programs, there’s many supplements to support weight loss and appetite suppression.  But that’s not the only focus for supplements. If you’re being disciplined about a physical activity regimen, […]

Lean Toward Protein

By now, everyone is aware of the power of protein.  Protein will make you feel full longer and help you maintain you weight loss program.  It also supports higher energy levels because of the essential amino acids content in protein.  There is some protein in every part of our body  and it is the major […]