We’ve recently mentioned the term, “superfoods”, and it’s important to note that these particular food items have gained a lot of attention in the nutrition world lately.  And for good reason.  The food value of these items such as blueberries, avocados, pumpkins, artichokes and fava beans, to mention a few, are truly power packed with vitamins, antioxidants and natural botanical nutrients.  No wonder they are getting such attention!

Obviously, I’m a great fan of superfoods.  After all, if you’re a fan of health, you’re a fan of superfoods.  But, let’s be a little more realistic shall we?  These foods are not a new discovery!  They are older, and have been well known far longer than most of us have lived!  It’s just that they are great, healthy nourishment!  And, while they are very good for us to eat, sometimes due to the season of the year or the amount of time we have to prepare them, these foods might not be all that readily available.

So, I started looking into how one gets the same kind of nutrition that’s contained in these superfoods, but can get it on a daily basis.  That’s what led my team and I to our diet herbalife program.  This cellular nutrition program is a superfood to me because it delivers optimal nutrition full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanical nutrients to each and every cell of the body everyday!  So, couldn’t herbalife supplements be considered super supplements?!

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