Almost all whole foods contain protein.  Foods containing protein with adequate proportions of all nine essential amino acids necessary for our dietary needs for sustenance are considered complete proteins.  The nine essential amino acids necessary for human life are leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan,  phenylalanine, histidine and lysine.  These essential amino acids are not synthecized naturally by the body and must be gained through the food we eat.

Proteins come from numerous food sources like meat, fowl and fish.  They also come from soy and whey protein like one might find in protein shakes and powder mixes.  All people need protein, yet many people experience digestive challenges such as bloating or gas after partaking in meals with high protein amounts.  For this, most people have discovered aminogen which aids in the digestive breakdown of protein into the amino acids we need.  With aminogen, your protein digestion will actually be painless nutrition!

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