If you’re worried you might have too much fat in your diet, remember there are some good fats.  Scientific testing has shown omega 3 fatty acids actually reduce inflammation in joints.  Effective reduction in joint inflammation can result from eating foods like salmon, mackerel and trout.  Flaxseed and olive oil can also be added to that list.

Diets that include foods with a high boron content, a compound in fresh fruits and vegetables, can decrease the rate of arthritis development.  Stock up on fresh produce!

Where dietary supplements are concerned, the most popular glucosamine chondroiton have proven to contribute greatly in damaged tissue reparation, improvements of  joint mobility and function as well as slowing down joint degeneration.

It should be noted though that eating all these in a well balanced diet while maintaining consistent physical activity and exercise is by far the most effective way to maintain excellent joint health.

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