Tag Archives of : physical workouts

The Absolute Best!

It’s fascinating to me how many facets there are to just about every activity we do!  There’s always equipment, clothing including shoes and whatever arrangements that must be made.  While life is relatively simple, it’s complex too! And the same is true of the effects our activities have on us as well.  Do things that […]

Progress Naturally

What I’ve found to be very interesting about keeping up a workout schedule is that, for me, the more I work out the more energy I have.  I’ve heard others say they’ve noticed the same for themselves.  So, for obvious reasons I really like maintaining my physical activities and exercises. But you know there are […]

Happy When Hydrated!

Have you ever been doing an exerting activity, like working out or playing a physical game, and suddenly had inexplicable contractions or cramps in your muscles?  If you are at all active you’ve probably come up against this kind of phenomenon at least once in your life.  A lot of people don’t realize that’s usually […]

Muscles Love It!

When you think about it, it’s an awesome process we go through when getting into shape whether we’re just toning up or actually body building muscle mass.  We acutally stress our bodies, kind of actually push our muscles to the extent of their strength and stamina, only to nourish them for recovery promoting gain in […]

Joint Food

If you’re worried you might have too much fat in your diet, remember there are some good fats.  Scientific testing has shown omega 3 fatty acids actually reduce inflammation in joints.  Effective reduction in joint inflammation can result from eating foods like salmon, mackerel and trout.  Flaxseed and olive oil can also be added to […]