Tag Archives of : lean muscle mass

Muscles Love It!

When you think about it, it’s an awesome process we go through when getting into shape whether we’re just toning up or actually body building muscle mass.  We acutally stress our bodies, kind of actually push our muscles to the extent of their strength and stamina, only to nourish them for recovery promoting gain in […]

Complete Commitment!

OK, so by now everybody’s heard the phrase “you are what you eat”.  And if it’s true that you are what you eat, then it most logically follows that if you want to change what you are, then you’ll need to change what you eat, right? Absolutely!  Thus the planned diet was born. While most […]

Most Comfortable!

Of course the very best part of protein is the essential amino acids we absorb from it.  And, if you’re like most people, meals with protein are quite enjoyable and very filling.  After a meal with high protein content, a lot of folks feel a little uncomfortable from a bloating sensation that might actually cause […]

New Muscle!

Often with the people who are working out, I find myself in a conversation about gaining strength and stamina as well as building lean muscle mass.  Obviously, these folks are into bulking up their musculature.  From all the information I’ve been exposed to, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that soy and whey protein […]