Well, it never stops and it’s not going to!  Aging, unfortunately, is a simple fact of nature.  Even if we want to stop it, we really cannot.  But, since there are so many of us who want to know tips about turning back the clock, here’s what I just heard on a radio interview.

A dermatology expert on the radio was saying the very best anti aging skincare is to take your skin seriously just like you would your teeth, nails or hair.  And don’t do like so many which is to cut corners by skipping out on their daily regimen. According to this doctor there is always bi-product the skin produces and pollutants from the air that need to be cleansed away but you shouldn’t stop there.  Gentle exfoliation for the face at least a couple times a week is required for young healthy skin.  Sensitive skin may need to be treated a little easier, oily skin might need a special exfoliator, but all types need to have the pores de-gunked!  The suggestion was made that an electric cleansing brush for daily mechanical exfoliation be used with your favorite face wash!

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