There are so many diet plans and programs available on the market today that it’s mind boggling!  How does one choose what’s going to work the best for their personal health and weight loss management goals?  If you’re at all like me, experimenting and trial and error take up a big part of making that decision.

For me, it became a matter of balancing quality nutrition with the best amount of calories for weight management.  Obviously if you’re cutting calories, you’re setting yourself up to lose weight.  However, if you’re cutting calories and feeling weak and tired all the time, you’re not losing weight effectively or healthily.  What led me specifically to my herbalife weight loss diet was it’s cellular nutrition that keeps me not only feeling full, but gave me a real energy boost!  So I didn’t feel run down or fatigued all the time and I was dropping unwanted pounds.  I’ve stuck with this particular program now for a couple of years.  What I’ve experienced is that the weight loss is gradual, not immediate, but the feeling of wellness is quick and through the roof!  Others on my team have experienced more rapid weight loss but that shows how everyone’s body is different.  But the one constant we’ve all experienced is the general sense of  health and well being with great energy!

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