Tag Archives of : herbal dietary supplements

Elixir For The Tummy!

On a daily basis we all deal numerous times with our digestive system.  Let’s face it, the only way to avoid it is to stop eating and that’s just not healthy! Since something like digestion is such a prevelant part of our lives, doesn’t it make great sense to pay particular attention to it?  Of […]

Liver Strength!

Containing all five flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter and spicy, the Schisandra Chinensis is often referred to as literally the “northern five flavor berry”.  Many years ago it was discovered to contain restorative properties and became one of the fifty fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. These tonic providing berries are most often dried, then […]

Be Kind To Your Heart!

The natural physiological production of nitric oxide is important for the protection against organ damage.  NO, nitric oxide, is well known to be a key player in biological functions such as blood flow regulation, inflammation, smooth muscle relaxation, and cell growth as well as preserving memory. So it is obvious that when there’s the need […]

When You’ve Overdone It!

Well, yes, there are those times, when no matter how conscious or careful you are, you somehow manage to overdo it during your workout and find yourself with a muscle strain or pull.  A good massage could really be helpful, but in the meantime, you might really want to try organic and natural muscle relaxers! […]

Keep It Up!

I know, sometimes when we start a physical activity program, or a scheduled workout routine, we immediately feel like there’s no way we can “keep it up”!  So, be aware.  Don’t be hard on yourself or beat yourself up by pushing it.  Do only what you can do each workout and allow your body to […]