Tag Archives of : multivite

Ensure Healthy Development!

For a lot of the parents out there, simply caring for and playing with the little ones of the family becomes the only physical activity program possible.  That’s perfectly understandable, after all it takes a lot of energy to raise children.  My only suggestion is that you find little activities that help you get some […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part seventy)

Sometimes young people need a little encouragement to be disciplined about completing their daily requirement of vitamins.  A good form of encouragement could be something that not only tastes great, but can be fun!  Providing your child with his or her favorite drink with liquid vitamins mixed in can be a treat, and fun, for […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part forty-one)

A little more on kids nutrition…  While it’s true that we’ve all become continually aware of the importance of good nutrition for everyone, including our children, the sad fact remains that some kids only get balanced, nutritious meals at school. And wonderfully, programs like the “Special Milk Program”, “National School Lunch Program” and the “National […]

My Diet Herbalife Program Experience (part nineteen)

What are vitamins?  Vitamins are defined as “organic compounds required as nutrients in tiny amounts by an organism.”  The name “vitamin” is actually from a combination of the words “vital” and “amine.”  And, these micronutrient food factors which prevented dietary deficiency diseases, like beriberi, were considered to possibly be chemical amines. Turned out vitamins proved […]