Category Archives of : Cellular Nutrition

Boosting Your Shape!

In general, the most popular supplementation used to bulk muscles, including used by professional body builders, is the concentration of protein added to the dietary program.  The most common choice for its effectiveness is whey protein which usually comes in a combination blend of whey protein isolate and protein concentrate. However the best whey protein […]

Do It Naturally!

Because of numerous environmental issues in our modern world, it is very easy to see why often our food can be short in nutritional value. Therefore the practice of supplementation, with a daily multivitamin complex at least, has become quite necessary.  Practically everyone is consuming supplements these days because they want to make sure they […]

Fueling Your Program

Since many people are looking to build up their bodies by increasing muscle mass for strength and stamina, protein often becomes a major dietary focus.  Many athletes consume protein in various forms both before and after workouts for muscle building and recovery. Protein after all is the main body building block including for our skin, […]

Sustaining While Dieting

Just recently I read that an eight ounce potato, served after being cooked in it’s natural state, has numerous essential nutrients and only one hundred seventy calories.  What immediately comes to mind when considering this?  Obviously that the potato is an excellent meal choice when you’re wanting to control the amount of your calorie intake. […]

Complete Commitment!

OK, so by now everybody’s heard the phrase “you are what you eat”.  And if it’s true that you are what you eat, then it most logically follows that if you want to change what you are, then you’ll need to change what you eat, right? Absolutely!  Thus the planned diet was born. While most […]